Tuesday, April 8, 2008


"Sometimes I wonder how I could be so stupid."

If you could magically ask for one thing in life, what would it be? To be rich? To be famous? It's certainly not wrong to be rich or famous. But there is something that is much more valuable than these things. And that is wisdom.

How does someone become wise? It certainly isn't something we can buy or inherit. Jesus gives us the best teaching we can find on how to become wise. The Bible tells us that as a child He grew in wisdom, and stature, and favour with God and human. He knew the importance of honouring his parents, of putting God first in his life, and of understanding the principles in God’s Word, the Bible.

Jesus taught that wisdom comes by building one’s house on a firm foundation. A wise person builds his life on rock, rather than on sand. When troubles come, and undoubtedly, we will stand if it is built on the foundation of God and a relationship with Jesus Christ.

As we grow in wisdom, we will learn to make right choices that will have lifelong results. A person does not have to be old to be wise, and being older does not necessarily mean that one is wise. But a young person is wise if he or she asks for and respects the advice of older people who have more experience.

Wisdom is not just knowing with our minds, but understanding with our hearts. Many of the teachings of Jesus were hard for the religious leaders of his day to understand, because they tried to figure out with their minds. He taught that if our hearts are hardened, we will never understand even the most basic spiritual truth. If you commit yourself to studying God’s word, the Bible, and keep your heart open to the message it contains, you will become wise.

''But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption" (I Corinthians 1:30)

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