Every temptation is an opportunity to do what is right and what pleases our Lord. Temptation is a sign that Satan hates you. Everyone is tempted of all kinds. Lustful desires, covetous minds and hidden agendas only are mind knows, are just few examples. Come to think of it. Even our Lord and Savior was tempted by Satan three times but never sinned. Being tempted is not bad, but yielding to it is a sin. We think temptation lies around us, but God says it begins within us. How can we avoid yielding to it? What are the ways to be victorious against temptations? Here are the ABCs over temptation...
A void situations where temptation occurs.
B ecome more familiar with the Bible.
C ount on God's promises (1 Corinthians 10:13).
D evelop accountability partnerships.
F ocus on Jesus' example.
G o to God in prayer for strength.
F ind a friend that you can count on when you feel like tempted. Tweet
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